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The intelligence behind our reputation infrastructure has been built over an iterative process starting in 2017. Through interactions with over 8000 people across N. America, S and SE Asia, Europe, China and the UK we have developed frameworks for the reputation vault, libraries and domain specific language. 

Here is a video from a recent session with entrepreneurs in the Currency Design Workshop hosted by the Commons Engine. 


Podcast with Takatoshi of the Future Design Podcast


Podcast with Tom Miller's Discover Holochain

Discover Holochain.jpg

And videos from our Virtual Interactions focused on 'Building the New Economy'. They offer insights in to how you can engage in various capacities


In July 2018 we visited 10 cities, across 8 time zones and 3 continents to engage with potential users, early stage investors and entrepreneurs. Here's a quick video that captures our road-show across Munich - Helsinki - Estonia - London - DC - NYC - San Francisco - Austin - LA - San Diego. Here are some reflections from the journey!

And a video from our Facebook live interaction with Matt Schutte of Holochain. Watch below.

A deep dive into principles of Reputation Based Economics with community leaders of the Blue Ribbon Movement.


Reach out to us on the forums listed below if you'd like to participate in our event or host a gathering in your community.

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