Distributed ledgers are allowing us to scale new kinds of value. It means entrepreneurs like you can modulate behaviour, offer new kinds of benefits and birth radical new organisations.
Watch the video from our last virtual interaction to gain insights into how this works!
Sacred Capital's Reputation Interchange serves as an economic backbone of the distributed world. It allows network effects to accrue to new kinds of value. Through this, you can scale not only material value, but also social, cultural and informational capital. You can read more about the Reputation Economy here.
Entrepreneurs who join the Sacred Capital eco-system and begin leveraging the Reputation Interchange before 'activation date' are termed as 'Genesis Entrepreneurs. There are essentially three categories of entrepreneurs that this extends to:
1. App Creators and Institutions:
Sacred Capital's reputation interchange helps app creators and institutions scale new and different forms of value within their eco-system. How? By plugging into the Reputation Inter-change, entrepreneurs can import specific behaviour into their eco-system. They can also modulate behaviour within their eco-system by exporting their rewards back to the inter-change. The result? Multi-dimensional capital that allows you to scale different kinds of value.
2. Initiators of Movements and Conversations:
Initiators of movements, conversations and ideas can now find validation in a formal economic language. In the past, we all had to rely on a monolithic economic language, designed for amplifying one form of value. However, by creating a formal economic language for social and cultural capital, we can scale new kinds of value. The key lies in celebrating diversity over homogeneity.
3. Information-based Economies
Traditional economic systems have been built on reserves of material capital. However, reputation-based economies allow us to move past zero-sum-game limitations. How? Through our staking protocol, value is captured through resonance across networks. Which means 'information' can ride on distributed economic systems, as opposed to relying on centralised economies of the twentieth century.

Any application built with its reputational layer on Holochain's agent-centric protocol can leverage the Reputation Interchange. Reading, and writing from the interchange involves using our Import/Export Zomes, or APIs.
Applications use these modular structures to read and write relevant data from/to the user chain. This enables the app to import reputations from other eco-systems without having to navigate read/write permissions and while exporting reputations, ensure that relevant ripple back effects are felt.
Import Zome: Think of these as APIs which enable an app to incorporate reputations across eco-systems while computing their own internal reputation scores. These reputation scores are picked up from a user’s chain. The Sacred Capital app reads the relevant reputation scores, computes the final result and provides a resultant score to the app as and when needed.
Export Zome: When the reputation score in an app changes due to certain internal activity, this zome ensures that the trigger is sent to the Sacred Capital app. Due to this trigger, the ‘Contextual Chaos’ logic within the app ripples back an impact into other corresponding eco-systems. Again, the Sacred Capital app negotiates write permissions on behalf of other apps.
There are three salient benefits to signing up as a Genesis Entrepreneur:
Support and hand-holding from our community of reputation economy architects
Get featured in our interactions, a good way to showcase your work to our community of potential users and funders
Genesis Entrepreneurs i.e. those creating on our reputation interchange prior to going live will receive reputation scores on our Programmatic Collective, an opportunity to guide and shape the future of Sacred Capital with us
Until our Activation Event in Q2 2019, we will be engaging with Genesis Entrepreneurs in our interactions and chat rooms, inviting diverse groups of people to learn how to leverage the reputation economy.